Tokyo (August 9, 2007) – Bridgestone Corporation announced today that at its meeting on August 9, 2007, the Board of Directors declared interim dividends of ¥13 per share. Management also revised their dividend projection for the year-end dividends to ¥13 per share and for the full year of 2007 to total ¥26 per share.
Bridgestone’s basic policy of profit distribution is to maintain stable payments of dividends. In light of the favorable financial forecast for 2007 and in response to the continued support of shareholders, management has revised the projected dividend per share amount.
Bridgestone dividends
Bridgestone Corporation, headquartered in Tokyo, is the world’s largest tire and rubber company. In addition to tires for use in wide variety of applications, it manufactures a broad range of diversified products, which include industrial rubber and chemical products and sporting goods. Its products are sold in over 150 nations and territories around the world.